The Carstens Literacy Initiative
The Carstens Literacy Initiative is a collaboration between Christ Church Grosse Pointe, SOAR Detroit, and Carstens Academy. Administered by SOAR and utilizing their reading development methodology, volunteers from Christ Church mentor young readers from the 2nd and 3rd grade at Carstens Academy, a Detroit Public School located in the Jefferson-Chalmers community (at the corner of Essex and Dickerson). In 2019, prior to the disruption of COVID, over 20 volunteers from Christ Church were providing over 70 hours of one-on-one mentoring to Carstens students.
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Rebuilding Together Southeast MI
Rebuilding Together Southeast Michigan is the local branch of the national non-profit organization whose goal is to preserve affordable homeownership and revitalize neighborhoods through free home repairs and modifications for neighbors in need. The work of Rebuilding Together not only impacts an individual family but improves the condition of an entire community through community center rehabilitation, playground builds, and partnerships with organizations focused on energy efficiency, sustainable community gardens, volunteer engagement, and homeowner safety and education.
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Crossroads of Michigan
Crossroads of Michigan provides counseling services, transportation assistance, and food and clothing to people in need in the Detroit area.
Crossroads Service Days
40+ volunteers in two shifts (morning and early afternoon) prepare and serve upwards of 600 guests for Sunday lunch (our specialty is chili with a take-home sandwich!). Those who cannot go to Crossroads are encouraged to join the care by participating in the “Ask of the Month.”
Summer Starters
School meal programs are the first line of defense in our battle against hunger among children. Unfortunately, school meals don’t all run throughout the summer. Compiled on Sunday mornings throughout the summer, Summer Starters baskets provide seven (7) shelf-stable breakfasts and snacks to participant in the Crossroads Summer Lunch program.
Loaves and Fishes Sunday
Hunger knowns no calendar. In fact, food pantries typically run low during the long stretch of summer when holiday and Easter energy has waned. Fortunately, Loaves and Fishes Sunday comes around every August to remind us of Jesus’ care for the hungry in his midst and our call to do the same. Join the care every July as we collect food to restock the pantry at Crossroads of Michigan!
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Crossroads Service Days
40+ volunteers in two shifts (morning and early afternoon) prepare and serve upwards of 600 guests for Sunday lunch (our specialty is chili with a take-home sandwich!). Those who cannot go to Crossroads are encouraged to join the care by participating in the “Ask of the Month.”
Summer Starters
School meal programs are the first line of defense in our battle against hunger among children. Unfortunately, school meals don’t all run throughout the summer. Compiled on Sunday mornings throughout the summer, Summer Starters baskets provide seven (7) shelf-stable breakfasts and snacks to participant in the Crossroads Summer Lunch program.
Loaves and Fishes Sunday
Hunger knowns no calendar. In fact, food pantries typically run low during the long stretch of summer when holiday and Easter energy has waned. Fortunately, Loaves and Fishes Sunday comes around every August to remind us of Jesus’ care for the hungry in his midst and our call to do the same. Join the care every July as we collect food to restock the pantry at Crossroads of Michigan!
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